Bernard Kohn - Think collective places in urban planning

A movie of Céline Beauquel


Bernard Kohn - Architect and town planner

A movie of Samuel Bollendorff



Participative architecture

A movie of Claude Baïotti and Philippe Mollon-Deschamps
Design its housing environment


La manufacture des paysages



Vallée de l’Aubaygue

 Study about Vallée de l’Aubaygue


Discussions in Octon

A sensitive town planning
Extract of "l'écohabitat en pays coeur d'hérault" of Bruno Destael


Interview of Bernard Kohn

House of architecture


Amhedabad - Inde 

Personal archives without sound
In our 1969 Summer Institute, we had studied three contrasting living environments in Ahmedabad :
▪︎ a "cooperative housing society",
▪︎ an urban village of a community coming from western Gujarat,
▪︎ a "pole", the traditional single neighborhood pattern found in the city.

These three examples were structured around Patrick Geddes' Folk/Work/Place concept, i.e. people and their every day activities, in interaction with their immediate environments.
Bernard Kohn is at the origin of the idea for the film.
Mira Binford did all the actual filming.
The editing has been taken up and left aside, and now would need a unifying revision.